Bidding for construction of 25 schools already announced by MDF

March 4, 2019

The Municipal Development Fund (MDF) of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia (MRDI) has already announced the Bidding for design and build of 25 schools out of 29 in total. Construction of schools is to be carried out with funding from the Government of Georgia (GoG).

To date there has been announced the Bidding for design and build of seven schools in 4 regions, designated for 60 students. These are the schools of Khabume Community of Chkhorotsku Municipality, Orlovsky Village of Ninotsminda Municipality, Tsachkhuri Village of Martvili Municipality, Nakipu Community of Tsalenjikha Municipality, Tsinarekhi Village of Kaspi Municipality, Kodistskaro Village of Kaspi Municipality and Mechkheturi Village of Chiatura Municipality. The students of schools of above mentioned Municipalities are being educated in difficult conditions. The new schools will be built in compliance with international standards and the students will be enabled to  study in well-furnished environment, equipped with proper infrastructure. 
All schools will be completely adapted for the people with disabilities.  
Except for construction of new schools, for 2019-2020 MDF has scheduled rehabilitation of tens of schools in various regions and enhancement of energy efficient component.