Sports Complex of International Standards in Rustavi at its final stage of construction

The Municipal Development Fund (MDF) of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia (MRDI) finalizes construction of multifunctional Sports Complex of international standards in Rustavi City.
The project implementation is backed financially by Asian Development Fund (ADB) at the cost amounting up to GEL 21 million.
The halls for various sports, in particular for box, basketball, handball and mini-football have been arranged already at that two-story Sports Complex of closed type, designated for 1500 spectators.
The complex provides for arranging of all spaces, required for its functioning – change rooms, conference hall, areas for inventory keeping and break rooms, as well as WCs. The Sports Complex will have an open café, parking lot and a recreation zone. In the vicinity of the Sports Complex the pedestrian paths were arranged, with the outdoor lighting lamps mounted along.
The multifunctional Sports Complex is fully adapted for the people with disabilities.