Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership (E5P) Delegation Members on an Official Visit in Tbilisi

The Program for “Rehabilitation of Tbilisi Public Schools and Energy Efficiency Increase” undergoes implementation by LEPL Municipal Development Fund (MDF) with financial support from the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) and Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership (E5P).
The Program is to rehabilitate 14 public schools in total, considering energy efficiency improvement.
The total budget of the Program amounts to 36 million EUR.
Within that Program, activities for rehabilitation of six public schools and energy efficiency improvement have been finalized. As of to date, rehabilitation of more seven public schools is underway and rehabilitation of one school is to commence soon.
The energy efficiency measures at new schools and the ones to be rehabilitated will incentivize saving of operational costs of schools and decrease CO gas emissions into the atmosphere. Preliminary estimations assume that energy efficiency indicator in all 14 schools of the program will be decreased by 30% as compared to the current one.
Executive Director of LEPL Municipal Development Fund (MDF) - Davit Tabidze, Executive Director of LEPL Educational and Scientific Infrastructure Development Agency (ESIDA) - Irakli Kuprava and Representative of Preschool and General Education Development Department - Keti Chkhobadze, together with the Representatives of E5P Delegation, being on an official visit to Georgia, visited the completed Public School N114 and Public School N43, being under rehabilitation.
The construction of the new building for Tbilisi Public School №114 has been completed within the Program. The classrooms, WCs, sports grounds were arranged and school yard was accomplished within the project. The heating, water supply and waste water systems were also arranged there. Number of activities were carried out at the school building aimed at energy efficiency improving.
The public school designated for 650 students was constructed with financing from CEB loan and E5P grant and its cost amounted to approximately GEL 10.9 million.
The Public School №43 of Tbilisi also undergoes reconstruction/rehabilitation within the Program. It is worth noting that the referenced school has been granted the status of cultural heritage monument.
The historical part of the school is scheduled to be restored and also the classrooms, WCs, sports grounds and school yard to be arranged within the project. In order to improve the energy efficiency of the building, the ceiling and exterior walls will be heat insulated, and the doors and windows with energy efficiency glass will be arranged. Heating of modern type is scheduled to be installed there as well.
The reconstruction/rehabilitation and energy efficiency increase of the public school designated for 360 students, undergoes implementation with funding from CEB loan and E5P grant and its cost amounts to approximately GEL 6.3 million.
Both schools will be totally adapted to the needs of those with disabilities.
The Program implementation will enable the students to apply the proper infrastructure and proceed with studying at well-accomplished environment.